We made it through to the warmer weather finally! Last month we missed out on a few picks that we meant to get to but we’re being just as ambitious with our reading plans this month (not sure that it’ll help but here we are). 

April TBR

We’re either feeling ambitious or indecisive this month because we’re piling our April TBRs to the brim. Some picks, like The Hidden Life of Trees are ones we’ve been meaning to get to for awhile; others, like A Thousand Steps into Night we just grabbed. 

March TBR

Last month was a surprisingly good reading month for both of us; at least in terms of the number of books we fit in. This month, we’ve got a bit more on the docket and longer books on our lists to boot . . . so we’ll just see how this goes!

January TBR

Heading into the new year, we’re hoping to read a mix of fantasy, sci-fi and contemporary fiction to start things off right. What’s everyone else hoping to read? 

November TBR

While our October wasn’t as hectic as September, it was still a lighter month of reading for us both. But as we head into the final stretch of the year, we’re putting a lot on our plates to hit our goals! 

October TBR

Our September (and so far our October) was pretty hectic and we haven’t had much time to read, or do anything even close to a review. Hopefully that will change in the coming weeks!

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